Chapter 2 Worksheet


McCoy/AMH2070             CHAPTER 2  ANALYSIS  WORKSHEET                Name: Kaylee Crews

                                                       (40 total points)


(4) Cite your Article (in proper APA format):


 Michael, Gannon, (2013). First European Contacts, The History of Florida, 978-0-8130-6401-7, 18-40


Focus Questions:

    (1)   Who is the author? 

 - Michael Gannon


(10) One argument presented is that Historic Accounts are not always cut & dry/ certain.  Discuss 2 examples within this chapter that supports this idea.  (pg 18.28)

- The fact that document or maps are not clear or on point. During this time, travelers mainly guessed or estimated where the point was.

- Another would be where de Soto landed or docked. Studies say Tampa bay, Charlotte Harbor, or Pine Island. All of these places are to the south. 


    (1)   Explore the discussion of the Fountain of Youth and its validity (pg 19).


 - During the discussion about the Fountain of Youth, it stated that this is a foundation of waters that rejuvenated old men. It was located in Bimini and was never stated in any voyage journals. The validity of the matter is that it is not real, it stated in the book that it was "mythical waters".


(5) Describe political or social policy mentioned within the chapter.  Be sure to include:

Old Spain rulers/ruling bodies: Charles V (Carlos), Fernando II

New World rulers/ruling bodies: Juan ponce, Hernanado de Soto

 adelantado: self-financing conqueror and direct representative of the king

 Requirirmiento: something that is read to natives so that they are able to understand

 New Laws of 1542: the year that de Soto died, the entourage included twelve priests, none appears to have the vision and moral courage of Ayllon's friar Montesinos where treatment of the natives was concerned.

    (1)   What animal was introduced to Florida by de Soto?

 - Long-legged Spanish range pigs


(2)What is the “microbial invasion”?         

 - When the native populations died from introductory old world pathogens. These may include; small pox, measles, and thyroid fever.



(5) Present reasons supporting settlement of Florida AND arguments against the settlement of Florida based on the text of Chapter 2


- New technologies were found by natives; "the ultimate artifact of the European technology, the sailing ship."

- Learning human "rights"; first priest in the hemisphere to defend the human rights of America's indigenous people.  


-  "Indigenous populations were rapidly collapsing"

- The natives were becoming sick and getting illnesses that the newcomers had; "smallpox, measles, and typhoid fever, among others."


    (1)   What do you find most interesting about this article?

- What I found interesting about this article is what all they brought with them while traveling. In the chapter at one point it states "On board were more than 600 soldiers, twelve priests, two women, servants and slaves, 223 horses, numerous mules and war dogs, and a herd of swine." In my opinion, that is a lot to bring with you on a ship acrost the sea. Also, with the responsibility of bringing all of that, there is a chance that animals may die or you may lose things on your voyage. 



(10) ARTISTIC/CREATIVE  Appendix Choices: (choose 1 – this assignment PLUS the chosen visual appendix will be your first Portfolio Entry)


1.      Create a timeline of First European Contacts

2.      Print/draw a map outline and label sites of conquest/exploration

3.      Create an artistic interpretation of one of the conquistadors interacting with Aboriginal Floridians ( this is the option that I chose to do)!!
